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8 records found

Digital Patient Experience

Evaluation and Improvement from a Human-Centered Design Perspective

A positive digital patient experience can improve health and care outcomes, but a positive digital patient experience does not just happen; it refers to understanding, evaluating, and improving the entire patient journey through digital health. Human-centered design is often appl ...
BACKGROUND: The increasing prevalence of DH applications has outpaced research and practice in digital health (DH) evaluations. Patient experience (PEx) was reported as one of the challenges facing the health system by the World Health Organization. To generate evidence on DH and ...

Building Understanding of Experience Design in Digital Health

Preliminary Results Based on Semi-Structured Interviews

Design is expanding its influence on shaping future healthcare. Ideally, designers apply human-centered design and human factors that introduce theory, principles, and methods to design to optimize people’s healthcare experiences in both digital and non-digital environments. To d ...

Designing digital patient experiences

The digital health design framework

Background Digital health (DH) brings considerable benefits, but it comes with potential risks. Human Factors (HF) play a critical role in providing high-quality and acceptable DH solutions. Consultation with designers is crucial for reflecting on and improving current DH design ...

Design-Relevant Factors Affecting the Patient Experience in Digital Health

Preliminary Results of an Umbrella Systematic Review

Since Covid-19, digital health interventions (DHIs) have been embraced as never before. The pandemic led to many new challenges, including the patient experience in digital health care delivery. In this literature study, we identified and synthesized factors that impact patient e ...

Digital Patient Experience

Umbrella Systematic Review

Background: The adoption and use of technology have significantly changed health care delivery. Patient experience has become a significant factor in the entire spectrum of patient-centered health care delivery. Digital health facilitates further improvement and empowerment of pa ...
To support developing new playful product for older adults, this paper briefly reviewed a range of existing playful products, and describes how they could be strategically deconstructed and refactored from the perspective of the five interaction elements (person, purpose, means, ...