H.A. Abels

8 records found

The Uppermost Ablasserdam Member and Delft Sandstone Member are of high interest for geothermal energy extraction. The stratigraphy, sedimentology, and depositional environment of these members have been studied by different researchers over time. However, due to the lack of phys ...
Alluvial deposits in the subsurface are essential for geo-energy production and storage in many regions worldwide. Accurate correlation and characterisation of alluvial stratigraphy requires an understanding of how river channels were spatially deposited, and which geomorphologic ...
The upper Carboniferous in the southern North Sea, especially the Westphalian B and lower Westphalian C stage is characterized by the deposited cyclothems that are a series of coarsening-upward fluvial sediments cycles. These cyclothems are often coal-bearing and no more than 15 ...
The use of wireline facies associations can alleviate core data shortage during facies prediction by providing a more extensive input dataset. Wintershall has assigned wireline facies associations directly on cored and un-cored wells in the Carboniferous of the Sothern North Sea. ...
The rising demand for clean energy has drawn the attention for more geological research to low enthalpy geothermal applications in the Netherlands. A multi-scale reservoir characterization is carried out with the aim to understand the geothermal reservoir potential of the Triassi ...
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a time of relatively abrupt climate change with intensive atmospheric greenhouse warming of 5 - 8˚C and is regarded as quasi-analogous for the modern anthropogenically-induced global warming. It therefore attracted considerable atte ...
Every year the second years of the bachelor Applied Earth Science have a geological fieldwork in Southern France. To supervise the students after a day in the field the idea is to collect a 3D model database of the outcrops in the field. This is done by photogrammetry and the ope ...
There is an increased need for modelling the Dutch overburden to improve the prediction of earthquakes and subsidence due to the extraction of hydrocarbons. Depending on the surface location, the subsidence model of the NAM can under or over predict the amount of subsidence by 4 ...