9 records found


Alluvial stratigraphy builds up over geologic time under the complex interplay of external climatic and tectonic forces and internal stochastic processes. This complexity makes it challenging to attribute alluvial stratigraphic changes to specific factors. Geological records i ...

Sedimentation on river floodplains is a complex process that involves overbank flooding, crevasse splaying, and river avulsion. The resulting floodplain stratigraphy often exhibits floodplain aggradation cycles with alternating fine-grained overbank flooding deposits that unde ...

Orbital driven climate control on sedimentation produces regional, stratigraphically repetitive characters and so cyclostratigraphic correlation can improve correlation and identify stratigraphic trends in borehole sections. This concept is commonly used to correlate marine and l ...
Alluvial deposits in the subsurface are essential for geo-energy production and storage in many regions worldwide. Accurate correlation and characterisation of alluvial stratigraphy requires an understanding of how river channels were spatially deposited, and which geomorphologic ...

Publisher Correction

Indo-Pacific Walker circulation drove Pleistocene African aridification (Nature, (2021), 598, 7882, (618-623), 10.1038/s41586-021-03896-3)

In this Article, a processing error led to the wrong versions of Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 4 being published. Figure 3e did not include the entirety of the eastern Africa soil carbonate δ13C database as compiled by ref. 13. Fig. 3 of the original Article has been corrected ...

ABSTRACT The lower Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA, is an alluvial succession with a sand content varying around 25 palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates, as well as sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis. Channel dynamics were studied at a relat ...

The middle Eocene Dongying sag in the Bohai Bay Basin of China has an estimated shale oil resource of approximately 1.1 billion t (8.06 billion bbl); flows of shale oil have been produced in the succession from tens of wells, where the daily production of a single well general ...

Today, the eastern African hydroclimate is tightly linked to fluctuations in the zonal atmospheric Walker circulation1,2. A growing body of evidence indicates that this circulation shaped hydroclimatic conditions in the Indian Ocean region also on much longer, glaci ...


The upper Carboniferous in the southern North Sea, especially the Westphalian B and lower Westphalian C stage is characterized by the deposited cyclothems that are a series of coarsening-upward fluvial sediments cycles. These cyclothems are often coal-bearing and no more than 15 ...