Lateral and vertical characteristics of floodplain aggradation cycles in the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA

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Sedimentation on river floodplains is a complex process that involves overbank flooding, crevasse splaying, and river avulsion. The resulting floodplain stratigraphy often exhibits floodplain aggradation cycles with alternating fine-grained overbank flooding deposits that underwent significant petrogenesis, and coarser-grained, avulsion-belt deposits largely devoid of pedogenic impact. These cycles are linked to lateral migration and avulsion of channels driven by internal dynamics, external factors, or a combination of both. To better understand the spatial and vertical variability of such floodplain aggradation cycles, we map these in three dimensions using a photogrammetric model of the lower Eocene Willwood Formation in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. This allows identifying 44 floodplain aggradation cycles in ∼300 m of strata with an average thickness of 6.8 m and a standard deviation of 2.0 m. All the cycles are traceable over the entire model, pointing to their spatial consistency over the 10 km2 study area. At the same time, rapid lateral thickness changes of the floodplain aggradation cycles occur with changes up to 4 m over a lateral distance of 400 m. Variogram analyses of both field and numerical-model results reveal stronger consistency of floodplain aggradation cycle thicknesses along the paleoflow direction compared to perpendicular to paleoflow. Strong compensational stacking occurs at the vertical scale of 2–3 floodplain aggradation cycles (14–20 m), while full compensational stacking occurs at larger scales of more than six floodplain aggradation cycles (>41 m). The lateral and vertical thickness variability of the floodplain aggradation cycles, as well as their compensational stacking behavior, are interpreted to be dominantly driven by autogenic processes such as crevasse splaying and avulsing that preferentially fill topographic lows. External climate forcing may have interacted with these autogenic processes, producing the laterally persistent and vertically repetitive floodplain aggradation cycles. The spatial variability of floodplain aggradation cycles demonstrated in this study highlights again the need for three-dimensional data collection in alluvial floodplain settings rather than depending on one-dimensional records.


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