Recent major tsunami events generated by earthquakes inundated coastal cities and caused extreme destruction and loss of human lives. The collapse of coastal bridges due to tsunami wave impact represents a huge obstacle for rescue works. The need to understand tsunami effects and
Recent major tsunami events generated by earthquakes inundated coastal cities and caused extreme destruction and loss of human lives. The collapse of coastal bridges due to tsunami wave impact represents a huge obstacle for rescue works. The need to understand tsunami effects and develop tsunami-resilient bridges became apparent in the aftermath of extreme tsunami events in the Indian Ocean (2004), Chile (2010) and Japan (2011).
Different coastal topographies affect tsunami propagation near shore. Varying wave characteristics lead to various failure mechanisms of bridge decks. Together with the wave characteristics, the bridge properties and the settings around the bridge play a major role in this failure, think for example of shear keys, seawalls or inclination of the bridge.
To find out more about these failure mechanism and what role all these measures have in the failure, a laboratory experiment is executed and a numerical SPH model is set up to investigate the impacts of various wave characteristics, a seawall, shear key and inclination of the bridge deck. The numerical SPH model is validated with the help of wave gauge data and tracked bridge deck movement from the executed physical tests.
In this thesis the focus is on the movement of the bridge deck, what kind of effect do the different interventions have on the movement of the deck. Since the movement is highly dependent on the forcing on the bridge deck, the forces are analyzed thoroughly. From the force time series countermeasures are proposed and modeled in the SPH model.
Wave forces from different type of waves are simulated with the SPH model. The overall behavior of the hydrodynamics and the deck movement are validated and suited for qualitative analysis.
Some disadvantages of the model are the lack of bottom friction and air bubbles in turbulent regions.
The 3D model represented the movement on the deck in a very good way, runtimes and storage capacity formed an obstacle. A 2D model was used to do qualitative analysis of the changes of wave characteristics and the effects of the structural measures.
The limiting factor in the commercial use of SPH is the computation time. In future models this could be accelerated by the use of GPU processors instead of CPU processors which are able to solve many parallel processes at the same time.
Apart from wave heights and inundation heights, the wave phase appeared to be a major decisive factor in the failure method of the bridge deck. If the wave breaks near the shore and reaches the bridge structure as a propagating wave front, the hydrodynamic situation results in high horizontal forces and a sliding failure mode is apparent. When a wave is still in a surging phase and the fluid particles still have their rotational movement, the dominant forcing on the bridge is in vertical direction. Since the vertical force applied to the bridge deck moves from seaside to shore side, the sea side of the bridge deck has a higher vertical velocity which initiates rotation.
A seawall causes the water to confine underneath the bridge deck. Which will result in higher vertical forces, thus a rotational failure mode follows. Inclination of the bridge deck has significant effect on the vertical forcing. Positive inclination lead to a decrease of upward forcing and negative inclination lead to an increase of upward forces. The introduction of shear keys resulted in higher moments, since the point of rotation is set at the point the deck interacts with the shear key, which creates a larger distance around the point of rotation.
Possible countermeasures that are introduced are a sacrificial beam and a different geometry of the deck. A sacrificial beam was effective in lowering the total horizontal forces on the combined structures. The deck itself was not exposed to a high horizontal impact force. Different geometries are tested to see how the forces on the structure would chance. A wing shaped geometry has positive effects in mitigating the horizontal forces on the bridge deck.