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A.M.H. Pluymakers

4 records found

The stability of rock engineering projects is tightly related to the mechanical behaviour of rock discontinuities. Although the mechanical behaviour of a discontinuity is often associated with shearing (sliding), experimental data have shown that it can be accompanied by more c ...
Following the 2015 Paris Agreement, many countries are switching from fossil fuel to a more renewable energy supply. However, the CO$_2$ concentration in the atmosphere keeps increasing which makes difficult to accelerate the transition to a net-zero emission. In 2020, a new reco ...
In the geothermal exploration well, NLW-GT-01, in the West Netherlands Basin, a very tight reservoir with low porosity (≤5.0%) and matrix permeability (≤ 0.1mD) has been encountered in the Main Buntsandstein Subgroup. The impact of natural fractures, which can significantly impac ...
The upper Carboniferous in the southern North Sea, especially the Westphalian B and lower Westphalian C stage is characterized by the deposited cyclothems that are a series of coarsening-upward fluvial sediments cycles. These cyclothems are often coal-bearing and no more than 15 ...