
P.S. van der Putt

30 records found

The project ‘Preserving Tangible and Intangible Values and Attributes in Heritage Housing’ is about exploring a process in which both tangible and intangible values and attributes within an existing housing structure are preserved and strengthened. This research aims to contribut ...

Quenching Thirst

Cooperation and interaction by living with water from Huamantanga in the hills to Lima on the coast, Peru

As the capital of Peru and one of the largest metropolises in South America, Lima's rapid development has attracted worldwide attention. In recent years, the water crisis has become a pressing problem as people flock to Lima with a thirst for opportunity.

Lima is located ...


Cultivating a new paradigm of integrated farming as mitigation of air pollution in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Air pollution poses a significant threat to human health globally, with Southeast Asia being one of the most affected regions. Chiang Mai, as the largest cultivated area in northern Thailand, faces severe haze pollution due to traditional farming practices, especially during the ...

Redesigning a Dutch polder

A Biophilic Foodscape that Facilitates the Symbiotic Development of Metropolis and Nature in Almere Oosterwold Area

With the rapid growth of metropolitans, the world’s population has increased dramatically. The basis of human life is food, and people’s quality of life is highly dependent on adequate and safe food. The relationship and balance between cities and agriculture have been a long-sta ...

The Nature Inclusive City

A sustainable human-nature relationship through architecture

An investigation into the disconnection between humans and nature. And a search for meaningfull architectural interventions to improve the human nature relationship.

Creating a city for a new generation of integration

In which young people with migration background have a sense of belonging

The Netherlands experienced a large influx of refugees over the past years, which peaked in 2015. Many of these refugees have recently had their temporary residency extended into a permanent residency. In spite of this, there is a disproportionately high percentage of unemploymen ...

Small living, big cohesion

Stacked compact units for single-person households

This paper is part of a master’s degree in Architecture at Delft University of Technology. It is addressing single-person households as they are found to be the most affected group from the current state of the Dutch housing market. This forms the relevance of this study and form ...

Creative Synergy

Towards a synergy fostering environment for creatives in Rotterdam

The presence of creatives or the ‘creative class’ is observed to act as a stimulant for regional and local urban transformation and gentrification. Global statistics state that the creative industry serves as a major economic driving force of the twenty- first century. For Rotter ...

Social Synergyst

The city - Place for all; Exploring the possibilities to attract families back in the city through the case of the Expat families

In the recent decades the economies became more dependent on knowledge - based activities - scientific research, technology, trade, finance. Therefore, the industries strive to be competitive in these categories on global level. In order to achieve that, they need an internationa ...

Young professionals in the city

Designing affordable and suitable dwellings for young professionals

The housing market in The Netherlands is under pressure, especially in big cities such as Rotterdam. The housing shortage situation is not going to be solved overnight. This creates cramps in the housing market, increases the housing prices to beyond what people can afford, which ...

De Buren

Connectedness while preserving one's own independence

This graduation research report is part of the Dutch Housing studio, Dwelling. The studios brief is to design a large residential building in the Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H) in Rotterdam, a former port area that is being redeveloped by the municipality. The guidelines from the municip ...

The informal care society

Multi-generational living

Society is aging at a rapid phase and the increasing technological possibilities make it possible that a solution or treatment method is found for many life-threatening situations.
As a result, the costs for healthcare have been increasing and because of this the government h ...

Starters in the city

A lively and vibrant live-work environment in the future metropolitan area of Rotterdam

There is an urgent need for affordable housing solutions in the Netherlands before 2030. However, the focus should not only be on producing new dwellings, but rather on creating homes and neighbourhoods that meet the needs of the future population. In Dutch cities there is a cha ...
Increasing ground prices are displacing the middle class families from Amsterdam. The available housing is either too expensive or simply unfit for families. They are therefore forced by the circumstances to move to the suburbs, away from their job, family and friends in the city ...

Artist Housing

The value of implementing a 'live-work' environment for artists in Minervahaven, Amsterdam

This project is motivated by the voices of the Amsterdam artists, for whom it becomes increasingly difficult to live and work in the city. The independent artists, activists, working-class people, among many other low- and mid-income groups who gave Amsterdam its unique, diverse ...

The Active Stairs

Stimulate movement and interaction in a comfortable residential building

In the research part, the importance of movement and interaction is described. Movement has influence on peoples’ physical health, social health and mental health. This building is designed for the Minervahaven in Amsterdam, especially for empty nesters, which form a very relev ...

The open city: a home for nature

How the solo dweller can flourish in a nature-inclusive city

1 million new homes will have to be built in The Netherlands in the upcoming decades. This is largely due to the fact that an increasing amount of people is choosing to live alone. The aim of this thesis to understand the forces behind the rise of the solo dweller and to find a p ...

Zero-waste in lifestyle and building design

A zero-waste residential building design to stimulate a zero-waste lifestyle

My graduation project focuses on zero-waste, in lifestyle and building design. By choosing this graduation topic, I was able to tackle a problem that many cities are facing and will be facing in the future if nothing changes. The stock of natural resources is shrinking, which is ...
Design for a residential building for the modern family in Amsterdam. The modern family, a diverse target group with a variety of wishes and needs which are not provided by the current housing stock. This project provides housing for this target group which suits their specific n ...
With the population growing worldwide and the ideal number of squared meters used per person increasing, cities such as Amsterdam are facing new expansion challenges; needing more dwellings whilst less buildable space is available. This dichotomy causes several groups of people i ...