E.A.I. Pool

6 records found

Next-generation automotive radars provide elevation data in addition to range-, azimuth- and Doppler velocity. In this experimental study, we apply a state-of-the-art object detector (PointPillars), previously used for LiDAR 3D data, to such 3+1D radar data (where 1D refers to Do ...
This paper compares two models for context-based path prediction of objects with switching dynamics: a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). These models are instances of two larger model categories, distinguished by whether expert knowledge is expl ...

Context-based Cyclist Path Prediction

Crafted and Learned Models for Intelligent Vehicles

This thesis addresses the problem of path prediction for cyclists. Instead of solely focusing on how to predict the future trajectory based on previous position measurements, this thesis investigates how to leverage additional contextual information that can inform on the future ...
This paper proposes a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for cyclist path prediction to learn the effect of contextual cues on the behavior directly in an end- to-end approach, removing the need for any annotations. The proposed RNN incorporates three distinct contextual cues: one re ...


A research platform for the interaction of self-driving vehicles with vulnerable road users

This paper presents our research platform SafeVRU for the interaction of self-driving vehicles with Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs, i.e., pedestrians and cyclists). The paper details the design (implemented with a modular structure within ROS) of the full stack of vehicle localizati ...
We learn motion models for cyclist path prediction on real-world tracks obtained from a moving vehicle, and propose to exploit the local road topology to obtain better predictive distributions. The tracks are extracted from the Tsinghua-Daimler Cyclist Benchmark for cyclist detec ...