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A. Crosato

113 records found

River morphology can be described at different scales: at the basin scale we distinguish the river network; at the reach scale the planform, the slope and average features, such as the width and bankfull water depth; at the cross-section scale the transverse variations of river b ...
In large rivers, most bridge crossings locally reduce the transverse floodplain width. This leads to adverse hydro-morphological effects, such as river bed and bank erosion, as well as increased upstream flood levels. In this study, we used a 2D morphodynamic model developed in D ...

Effects of urbanization and deforestation on flooding

Case study of Cap-Haïtien City, Haiti

Cap-Haïtien, the second largest city in Haiti, is highly vulnerable to earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. The rapid pace of urbanization and deforestation has exacerbated the risk of flooding, resulting in disasters in November 2012, 2016, and 2022. This study aims to assess ...
Working as natural filter, well-designed vegetation schemes have been widely applied to improve the quality of water (Aiona, 2013; Stefanakis, 2015). Proper design, however, requires appropriate physics-based modelling of their filtering capacity. Several theoretical models predi ...
Active geomorphological interventions, such as reprofiling of river bars, are often used to increase bar dynamics and prevent vegetation encroachment. River restoration management should be planned based on the knowledge of what processes will follow the intervention and on the a ...
Meandering rivers dynamics has intrigued scientists since the nineteen fifties (Hooke, 2013). Meander migration models are regularly used to predict planimetric changes (Crosato, 2018), but they have not considered the figure, the reconstructed historical channel is shown. ...
Flushing is a common measure to manage and reduce the amount of sediment stored in reservoirs. However, the sudden release of large volumes of sediment abruptly increases the suspended solids concentration and alters the riverbed composition. Similar effects can be produced also ...

Adaptation of river channels to a wetter or drier climate

Insights from the Lower Pilcomayo River, South America

Climate change has a direct influence on both hydrology and floodplain vegetation of water courses, which are key players in river morphodynamics. The river system response to climate change is complex and the effects of non-linear interactions between alterations in water, sedim ...
This study investigates the effects of vegetation patch patterns on the morphological evolution of alluvial river channels at the reach-scale. For this, a new two-dimensional numerical biomorphodynamic model has been developed using the Telemac-Mascaret system. Considering the ne ...
Assuming that the equilibrium geometry of river channels does not depend on their initial state but solely on boundary conditions, several formulas have been derived that relate the channel depth and width to the river bankfull discharge and bed material. However, due to the exis ...
Observations show that instream vegetation has a strong impact on bedload transport. However, there is a scarcity of sediment transport predictors that directly account for the effects of plants, and existing methods, based on re-calculation of roughness coefficients, may present ...
The Fogera Plain, Ethiopia, is affected by recurrent flooding of the Ribb and Gumara Rivers. A large dam on the Ribb River is under construction for irrigation, but also to reduce flooding. We investigated the effects of the dam on the flood regime of the floodplain wetlands usin ...