C.A. Mulatu
6 records found
The Fogera Plain, Ethiopia, is affected by recurrent flooding of the Ribb and Gumara Rivers. A large dam on the Ribb River is under construction for irrigation, but also to reduce flooding. We investigated the effects of the dam on the flood regime of the floodplain wetlands usin
This study assessed the downstream river system adaptation in response to upstream damming on the Ribb River, Ethiopia, to irrigate 15,000 ha. It combined primary and secondary data, and the application of remote
sensing and mathematical modeling. The predam morphodynamic trends
This work investigates the applicability of an analytical method for quick assessments of the long-term morphological effects of different dam operations on downstream river reaches with the idea to apply the method in feasibility studies to identify the least morphologic-impacti
The meandering Ribb River flows in northwest Ethiopia to Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile River. The river has already undergone changes due to several human interventions, such as embanking, sand mining, water extraction and lake level regulation for hydropower. At present
Analysis of Ribb River channel migration
Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
The Ribb River is one of the components of the Blue Nile River system located in the North Western part of Ethiopia. It drains to Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile River. The Ribb has a length of 130 km, with a catchment area of 1,812 km ...
construction affects the discharge regime and the sediment transport of rivers
(e. g. Williams & Wolman, 1984). Dams reduce the annual peak discharges
(Graf, 2006) and may store all sediment or a large part of it. The downstream
river reach adjusts its morphology to the new c