D. Paulus
9 records found
Reinforcing data bias in crisis information management
The case of the Yemen humanitarian response
The complex and uncertain environment of the humanitarian response to crises can lead to data bias, which can affect decision-making. Evidence of data bias in crisis information management (CIM) remains scattered despite its potentially significant impact on crisis response. To u
The United Nations estimates that hundreds of millions of people worldwide are affected by complex crises. Examples are the protracted conflict in Yemen, climate change-induced displacement, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These crises have severe implications for societies. To mitiga
A crisis requires the affected population, governments or non-profit organizations, as well as crisis experts, to make urgent and sometimes life-critical decisions. With the urgency and uncertainty they create, crises are particularly amenable to inducing cognitive biases that in
On the Interplay of Data and Cognitive Bias in Crisis Information Management
An Exploratory Study on Epidemic Response
Humanitarian crises, such as the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic, challenge information management and thereby threaten the digital resilience of the responding organizations. Crisis information management (CIM) is characterised by the urgency to respond despite the uncertainty o
The Reality of Evidence-based Decision Making in Humanitarian Programming
An Exploratory Study of WASH Programs in Uganda
With ongoing research, increased information sharing and knowledge exchange, humanitarian organizations have an increasing amount of evidence at their disposal to support their decisions. Nevertheless, effectively building decisions on the increasing amount of insights and inform
The effectiveness of machine learning algorithms depends on the quality and amount of data and the operationalization and interpretation by the human analyst. In humanitarian response, data is often lacking or overburdening, thus ambiguous, and the time-scarce, volatile, insecure
Humanitarian organizations are increasingly challenged by the amount of data available to drive their decisions. Useful data can come from many sources, exists in different formats, and merging it into a basis for analysis and planning often exceeds organizations’ capacities and
From Data To Action
Enabling in-field decision makers with IATI data
From November 2017 to April 2018, HumTech Lab at TU Delft partnered with Cordaid to work on an applied research project and address data and analysis challenges in humanitarian resilience and response activities. Central to the project were the questions: what information challen
In the aftermath of disasters, information is of the essence for humanitarian decision makers in the field. Their concrete information needs is highly context-influenced and often they find themselves unable to access the right information at the right time. We propose a novel IC