Wim Lammen

6 records found

This paper investigates green hydrogen and bio-based sustainable aviation fuels, including their production technology and feedstock, in combination with Clean Sky 2 propulsion technologies and novel hydrogen-powered propulsion technologies. The impact that these alternative avia ...
In the modern aircraft design process numerical simulation is one of the key enablers. However, computational time increases exponentially with the level of fidelity of the simulation. In the EU Horizon2020 project AGILE different aircraft design analysis tools relative to differ ...
In the Clean Sky 2 Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) program the potential of innovative hybrid electric propulsion (HEP) air vehicle concepts has been investigated by the projects ADEC (Advanced Engine and Aircraft Configuration) and NOVAIR (Novel Aircraft Configurations and Scaled ...
In this paper methodological investigations regarding an innovative Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization (MDO) approach for conceptual aircraft design are presented. These research activities are part of the ongoing EU-funded research project AGILE. The next generation of ai ...
With civil aviation growing at around 4.7% per annum, the environmental footprint of aviation is increasing. Moreover, the use of kerosene as a fuel accelerates the depletion of non-renewable fossil fuels and increases global warming. Hence, the aviation industry has to come up w ...
High aspect ratio strut braced aircraft can significantly reduce the induced drag. The inherent anisotropic behaviour of the composite material along with their weight saving potential can improve the performance of the aircraft during the flight. Thus, a composite strut braced a ...