Including aeroelastic tailoring in the conceptual design process of a composite strut braced wing
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High aspect ratio strut braced aircraft can significantly reduce the induced drag. The inherent anisotropic behaviour of the composite material along with their weight saving potential can improve the performance of the aircraft during the flight. Thus, a composite strut braced aircraft is one of the promising candidates to achieve the targets set by European commission in Flightpath 2050 report. In this paper, multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization framework for strut braced aircrafts, is set-up involving tools provided by AGILE partners distributed worldwide. In the workflow, composite aeroelastic analysis and tailoring capability has been integrated with use of surrogate modelling. A design of experiment of the workflow with wing planform parameters as design variables is performed and a surrogate model is build. The optimization with an objective to reduce the fuel mass is performed using the surrogate of the workflow.