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F.M. d'Hont

13 records found

The Delft Method for System Dynamics (SD) is a proven method for learning basic SD. The method focuses on learning by doing: first you try to work through an exercise, and if you do not understand something, then you can look up the theory. The book contains exercises on topics s ...

Modeling with a municipality

Exploring robust policies to foster climate-neutral mobility

Many European cities are investigating how to transition to climate-neutral transport systems. Due to the transport system's complexity and uncertainty about the future, identifying drivers and choosing effective policies to make the city more sustainable is challenging. Addition ...
In the context of a growing emphasis on research and application of citizen engagement methods in environmental planning and management (e.g. Reed 2008; Von Korff et al. 2010), we compare three collaborative activities aimed at finding innovative coastal policy solutions in the N ...
In this research, we set out to investigate the phenomenon of ‘co-design’ and explore the applicability of co-design in the complex coastal context. We have turned to investigating design-oriented, collaborative activities aimed at innovative coastal solutions (co-design) and how ...
The long tradition of water management in the Netherlands went hand in hand with a long tradition of collaboration and a Dutch culture of making compromises. In this paper, we identify a number of practically recognizable criteria for evaluating collaborative design processes for ...
The field of coastal management is characterized by a strong collaborative tradition and a willingness on the part of the coastal authorities who embrace listening and actively engaging with stakeholders. Nowadays, coastal policy making in the Netherlands is aiming for enhancing ...
This paper describes lessons learned while teaching Advanced System Dynamics, at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology. The course is an elective for Master students of the faculty who are already familiar with system dynamics modellin ...

Co-designing the future of Texel-Zuid

Adaptive coastal management on a changing island

This report is the documentation of the expert co-design workshop on possible futures for South Texel. This workshop is part of a larger research project: “Co-designing coasts using natural Channel-shoal dynamics” (CoCoChannel). The workshop of 9 March is part of a series of co-d ...

Toekomstperspectieven voor Texel – Zuid

Dynamisch kustbeheer op een eiland in beweging

Dit document is de documentatie van een co-design workshop die plaatsvond voor het onderzoeksproject CoCoChannel. Het doel van deze workshop is nadrukkelijk om mensen van verschillende achtergronden samen te laten nadenken over de toekomst van de kust van Texel. De deelnemers heb ...
As quantitative modelling can be used to build stakeholder understanding for management decisions, and can help build consensus (Stave, 2003), a system dynamics modelling study of the abiotic dynamics of an archetypical small estuary, the Slufter in the Netherlands is formulated ...