A. Molenkamp

3 records found

ECOncrete®‘s Coastalock is an ecologically designed armour unit, providing an alternative and/or a complement to traditional armour layers with ecologically enhanced armouring that provides shoreline stabilization, while also creating well-defined local ecosystems that mimic natu ...
With the advance of urbanisation in coastal regions comes an increase in armoured shorelines and the destruction of coastal marine habitats. To combat this, ECOncrete Tech Ltd has developed a new eco-friendly armour unit, the CoastaLock. With its ecological advantages proven, its ...
Fieldwork Hydraulic Engineering’ is a course given at Delft University of Technology for the MSc Hydraulic Engineering. In collaboration with local experts Boyan Savov and Traian Marin, a team of 8 students guided by Mark Voorendt was sent to investigate the local conditions at A ...