
Jaap H. van Dieën

9 records found

Balance training aims to improve balance and transfer acquired skills to real-life tasks. How older adults adapt gait to different conditions, and whether these adaptations are altered by balance training, remains unclear. We hypothesized that reorganization of modular control of ...
Training improves balance control in older adults, but the time course and neural mechanisms underlying these improvements are unclear. We studied balance robustness and performance, H-reflex gains, paired reflex depression, and co-contraction duration in ankle muscles after one ...
Exoskeletons often allow limited movement of the ankle joint. This could increase the chance of falling while walking, particularly on challenging surfaces, such as lateral inclines. In this study, the effect of a mobility limiting ankle brace on gait stability in the frontal pla ...
BACKGROUND: Literature describing differences in motor control between low back pain (LBP) patients and healthy controls is very inconsistent, which may be an indication for the existence of subgroups. Pain-related psychological factors might play a role causing these differences ...
This study aimed to assess modulation of lower leg muscle reflex excitability and co-contraction during unipedal balancing on compliant surfaces in young and older adults. Twenty healthy adults (ten aged 18–30 years and ten aged 65–80 years) were recruited. Soleus muscle H-reflex ...
Purpose: The goal of this study was to assess differences in low back stabilization and underlying mechanisms between patients with low back pain (LBP) and healthy controls. It has been hypothesized that inadequate trunk stabilization could contribute to LBP through high tissue s ...
The human head-neck system requires continuous muscular stabilization in the presence of gravity and trunk motion. This chapter presents experimental and modeling efforts, applying mechanical perturbations to seated subjects, evaluating trunk and head motion, to investigate postu ...
Trunk stabilization is required to control posture and movement during daily activities. Various sensory modalities, such as muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs and the vestibular system, might contribute to trunk stabilization and our aim was to assess the contribution of these ...

Trunk stabilization during sagittal pelvic tilt

From trunk-on-pelvis to trunk-in-space due to vestibular and visual feedback

The goal of this study was to investigate the human ability to stabilize the trunk in space during pelvic tilt. Upper body sway was evoked in kneeling-seated healthy subjects by angular platform perturbations with a rotation around a virtual lowback pivot point between the L4 and ...