Marcel J. Breeuwer

6 records found

Purpose: To develop a free-breathing (FB) 2D radial balanced steady-state free precession cine cardiac MRI method with 100% respiratory gating efficiency using respiratory auto-calibrated motion correction (RAMCO) based on a motion-sensing camera. Methods: The signal from a respi ...
Purpose: To develop a new 3D radial trajectory based on the natural spiral phyllotaxis (SP), with variable anisotropic FOV. Theory & Methods: A 3D radial trajectory based on the SP with favorable interleaving properties for cardiac imaging has been proposed by Piccini et al ( ...

Visual Analytics for Digital Radiotherapy

Towards a Comprehensible Pipeline

Prostate cancer is one of the most frequently occurring types of cancer in males. It is often treated with radiation therapy, which aims at irradiating tumors with a high dose, while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues. In the course of the years, radiotherapy technology has ...
Accurate segmentation of brain white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) is important for prognosis and disease monitoring. To this end, classifiers are often trained – usually, using T1 and FLAIR weighted MR images. Incorporating additional features, derived from diffusion weighted M ...
In radiotherapy, tumors are irradiated with a high dose, while surrounding healthy tissues are spared. To quantify the probability that a tumor is effectively treated with a given dose, statistical models were built and employed in clinical research. These are called tumor contro ...
Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCPs) is one of the most powerful techniques for the visualization of multivariate data. However, for large datasets, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. In this case, discerning the underlying data information and selecting spe ...