Circular Image

A. Vilanova Bartroli

68 records found


From a User Study to a Valid Claim

How to Test your Hypothesis and Avoid Common Pitfalls

The evaluation of visualization methods or designs often relies on user studies. Apart from the difficulties involved in the design of the study itself, the existing mechanisms to obtain sound conclusions are often unclear. In this work, we review and summarize some of the common ...
Several diagnostic and treatment procedures require the segmentation of anatomical structures from medical images. However, the automatic model-based methods that are often employed, may produce inaccurate segmentations. These, if used as input for diagnosis or treatment, can hav ...

The Online Anatomical Human

Web-based Anatomy Education

The Online Anatomical Human (OAH) is a web-based viewer for studying anatomy. It is based on real human anatomy and incorporates medical image data in linked 2D and 3D views that students can freely interact with. Our application is the only to support 2D and 3D views based on re ...
Accurate segmentation of brain white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) is important for prognosis and disease monitoring. To this end, classifiers are often trained – usually, using T1 and FLAIR weighted MR images. Incorporating additional features, derived from diffusion weighted M ...


Interactive Immune Cell Phenotyping for Large Single-Cell Datasets

To understand how the immune system works, one needs to have a clear picture of its cellular compositon and the cells’ corresponding properties and functionality. Mass cytometry is a novel technique to determine the properties of single-cells with unprecedented detail. This amoun ...
In recent years, dimensionality-reduction techniques have been developed and are widely used for hypothesis generation in Exploratory Data Analysis. However, these techniques are confronted with overcoming the trade-off between computation time and the quality of the provided dim ...


Visualizing Anatomical Variation in Branching Structures

Anatomical variations are naturally-occurring deviations from typical human anatomy. While these variations are considered normal and non-pathological, they are still of interest in clinical practice for medical specialists such as radiologists and transplantation surgeons. The c ...
In radiotherapy, tumors are irradiated with a high dose, while surrounding healthy tissues are spared. To quantify the probability that a tumor is effectively treated with a given dose, statistical models were built and employed in clinical research. These are called tumor contro ...
Cardiac flow is still not fully understood, and is currently an active research topic. Using phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) blood flow can be measured. For the inspection of such flow, researchers often rely on methods that require additional scans produced by ...
Progressive Visual Analytics aims at improving the interactivity in existing analytics techniques by means of visualization as well as interaction with intermediate results. One key method for data analysis is dimensionality reduction, for example, to produce 2D embeddings that c ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) enables volumetric and time-varying measurements of blood-flow data. Such data have shown potential to improve diagnosis and risk assessment of various cardiovascular diseases. Hereby, a unique way of analysing patient-specific haemodynamics becom ...
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is amongst the simplest mathematical models available for diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, yet still by far the most used one. Despite the success of DTI as an imaging tool for white matter fibers, its anatomical underpinnings on a microstructu ...
Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCPs) is one of the most powerful techniques for the visualization of multivariate data. However, for large datasets, the representation suffers from clutter due to overplotting. In this case, discerning the underlying data information and selecting spe ...
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a magnetic resonance imaging modality that enables the in-vivo reconstruction and visualization of fibrous structures. To inspect the local and individual diffusion tensors, glyph-based visualizations are commonly used since they are able to effe ...
We present the first visualization tool that combines pathlines from blood flow and wall thickness information. Our method uses illustrative techniques to provide occlusion-free visualization of the flow. We thus offer medical researchers an effective visual analysis tool for ane ...
Modern MRI measurements deliver volumetric and time-varying blood-flow data of unprecedented quality. Visual analysis of these data potentially leads to a better diagnosis and risk assessment of various cardiovascular diseases. Recent advances have improved the speed and quality o ...
Background: The surgical anatomy of the pelvis is highly complex. In case of rectal cancer the surgeon is challenged to perform a total mesorectal excision (TME) warranting complete removal of the tumor and preservation of the autonomic nerves. However, incomplete TME specimens a ...