S.S. Mandias
22 records found
In 1946, the plan for rebuilding Rotterdam after the second world war was formally established. Its name, the Basisplan (General Plan), was entirely appropriate for a plan whose defining quality was its neutrality. By reducing the urban plan to lines and spots, it became spatiall
As part of The Persistence of Questioning, critical reflections for the future: ‘What is the state of architectural culture?’, Sereh Mandias explains why she – together with Elsbeth Ronner – launched the narrative podcast Windoog, her reasons for engaging in architectural critici
The Building is Present
The 1:5 Model as a Way of Seeing, TU Delft, Chair Buildings, Interiors, Cities, 2018–2019
In recent decades, the field of architecture has witnessed a fundamental shift under the banner of ‘ecology’: from the innovation in energy technologies to the use of circular materials and climate-neutral building solutions – today, more than ever, the construction of a building
Het depot van Museum Boijmans van Beuningen opent vandaag officieel zijn deuren. Sereh Mandias bezocht voor Vers Beton het nieuwste ontwerp van MVRDV in het Museumpark. Het depot is op z’n best als het zijn radicaliteit omarmt, maar biedt het op termijn wel voldoende ruimte voor
Interventions in Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
This publication is the result of a MSc2 design course of the Chair of Interiors Buildings Cities (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Technical University of Delft) in the spring semester of 2019 entitled Babel: Interventions in Museum Boijmans van Beuningen.@en
The building is present.
The 1:5 model as a tool for research, design and communication
As the transformation of existing buildings is an ever-larger part of the architect’s portfolio, the research into the value and quality of existing structures gains importance. This research has long been the domain of art historians, who, in their cultural-historical investigat
In het zomersemester van 2019 heeft de leerstoel Interiors Buildings Cities van de TU Delft een ontwerpstudio gewijd aan het Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Naar aanleiding van de voorgenomen transformatie van het museum, deden 13 internationale masterstudenten onder leiding van S
Speeltuinen voor de verbeelding
Een essay over daken
Wherein lies the attraction of the roof? Why is it always an adventure to enter a roof, to become part of the skyline or peek over the edge, as if you had suddenly surfaced from something you had been unknowingly immersed in all along? For the occasion of the Rotterdamse Dakendag
Quotidian Monuments
Aslı Çiçek, Christoph Grafe and Sereh Mandias In Conversation with Daniel Rosbottom
Fragiliteit en Fictie
Over het Kanunnik Petrus Jozef Triestplein van BAVO en architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
The Interior of the Station
Rotterdam Central Station and Public Transport Terminal Breda
Every station makes a statement about the encounter between rail and city. In this article Caspar Frenken and Sereh Mandias discuss two recently completed station buildings: Rotterdam Centraal and OV-Terminal Breda. The authors investigate how the interiors of these buildings der
The publication 'The New Craft School' investigates the architecture of the vocational school and its role in society. It does so by situating the school within larger cultures of craft and specific networks of people, places and knowledge, in which education forms a crucial link
Wat maakt een huis tot een thuis? Sereh Mandias bekijkt drie Parijse woningen waarin de verlangde grens tussen privé en publiek op een bijzondere manier vorm kreeg.@en
Wat maakt een huis een thuis? Sereh Mandias bekeek huizen in Parijs en schreef daarover. Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren vroeg negen jonge schrijftalenten om zich te buigen over het thema geluk, in de aanloop naar de Nacht van de Geschiedenis.@en
De Nieuwe Ambachtsschool is the result of the research project 'De Ambachtsschool Revisited' into the architecture of vocational schools and was initiated by Susanne Pietsch, Eireen Schreurs, Sereh Mandias and Dolf Broekhuizen. It was funded by the Creative Industries Fund over a