Amin Timany

4 records found

Scala step-by-step

Soundness for DOT with step-indexed logical relations in Iris

The metatheory of Scala's core type system - the Dependent Object Types (DOT) calculus - is hard to extend, like the metatheory of other type systems combining subtyping and dependent types. Soundness of important Scala features therefore remains an open problem in theory and in ...
Consider two widely used definitions of equality. That of Leibniz: One value equals another if any predicate that holds of the first holds of the second. And that of Martin-Löf: The type identifying one value with another is occupied if the two values are identical. The former da ...


A general, extensible modal framework for interactive proofs in separation logic

A number of tools have been developed for carrying out separation-logic proofs mechanically using an interactive proof assistant. One of the most advanced such tools is the Iris Proof Mode (IPM) for Coq, which offers a rich set of tactics for making separation-logic proofs look a ...
When using a proof assistant to reason in an embedded logic -- like separation logic -- one cannot benefit from the proof contexts and basic tactics of the proof assistant. This results in proofs that are at a too low level of abstraction because they are cluttered with bookkeepi ...