Mingyu Sun

3 records found

The conventional Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) scheme could result in unacceptably low frequency nadirs or overshedding in power systems with volatile inertia. This paper proposes a novel UFLS scheme for modern power systems whose inertia may vary in a wide range due to hi ...
Short-circuit faults close to either end of a transmission line, are normally cleared instantaneously by the distance relay at that end and after hundreds of milliseconds, i.e., in Zone 2 operating time, by the relay at the opposite end of the line. This sequential tripping can b ...
Short-circuit faults occurring close to either end of a transmission line are normally cleared with some time delay by the distance relay at the opposite end of that line. The pilot relaying schemes require communication media in order to reduce this time delay. This paper presen ...