Z. Szlávik
4 records found
In this paper, we explore how to efficiently combine crowdsourcing and machine intelligence for the problem of document screening, where we need to screen documents with a set of machine-learning filters. Specifically, we focus on building a set of machine learning classifiers th
Training machine learning (ML) models for natural language processing usually requires large amount of data, often acquired through crowdsourcing. The way this data is collected and aggregated can have an effect on the outputs of the trained model such as ignoring the labels whic
Enterprise crowdsourcing capitalises on the availability of employees for in-house data processing. Gamification techniques can help aligning employees' motivation to the crowdsourcing endeavour. Although hitherto, research efforts were able to unravel the wide arsenal of gamific
Nudge your Workforce
A Study on the Effectiveness of Task Notification Strategies in Enterprise Mobile Crowdsourcing
As crowdsourcing gains popularity, organisations seek ways to systematically and reliably involve their workforce with data processing pipelines. Mobile crowdsourcing allows for opportunistic task executions and thus, potentially, for higher throughput. However, how to engage and