Tjerk Benschop

5 records found

Bogoliubov quasiparticles play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of a superconductor and in achieving reliable operations of superconducting quantum circuits. Diagnosis of quasiparticle poisoning at the nanoscale provides invaluable benefits in designing superconductin ...
Majorana bound states are putative collective excitations in solids that exhibit the self-conjugate property of Majorana fermions—they are their own antiparticles. In iron-based superconductors, zero-energy states in vortices have been reported as potential Majorana bound states, ...
The cuprate high-temperature superconductors exhibit many unexplained electronic phases, but the superconductivity at high doping is often believed to be governed by conventional mean-field Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory1. However, it was shown that the superfluid de ...
A reduction of the interprobe distance in multiprobe and double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy to the nanometer scale has been a longstanding and technically difficult challenge. Recent multiprobe systems have allowed for significant progress by achieving distances of ~30 nm u ...
Transport experiments in twisted bilayer graphene have revealed multiple superconducting domes separated by correlated insulating states1–5. These properties are generally associated with strongly correlated states in a flat mini-band of the hexagonal moiré superlattic ...