Andrea Hu
3 records found
What You Show is What You Get!
Gestures for Microtask Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is a valuable tool to gather human input which enables the development of reliable artificial intelligence systems. Microtask platforms like Prolific and Amazon's Mechanical Turk have flourished by creating environments where crowd workers can provide such human inp
Ready Player One!
Eliciting Diverse Knowledge Using A Configurable Game
Access to commonsense knowledge is receiving renewed interest for developing neuro-symbolic AI systems, or debugging deep learning models. Little is currently understood about the types of knowledge that can be gathered using existing knowledge elicitation methods. Moreover, thes
Human input is pivotal in building reliable and robust artificial intelligence systems. By providing a means to gather diverse, high-quality, representative, and cost-effective human in put on demand, micro task crowdsourcing marketplace shave thrived. Despite the unmistakable be