Andrea Bernasconi
7 records found
This study uses the acoustic emission structural health monitoring method to identify fracture mechanisms in composite bonded joints when varying the substrate stacking sequence. Quasi-static mode I loading tests were performed on secondary adhesively bonded multidirectional comp
The use of adhesively bonded joints has increased considerably due to their lightweight, relevant strength-weight ratio and possibility to join multi-materials. Nevertheless, there are still some challenges in the application of this kind of joints in primary structures, such as
Delamination growth in fibre reinforced polymer composites is generally evaluated with experiments that have been standardized for quasi-static load conditions. These tests characterize unidirectional delamination growth in mode I (DCB), mode II (ELS or ENF) of mixed mode conditi
The feasibility of applying Optical Backscatter Reflectometry as a backface strain monitoring method for bonded joints subjected to mode I fatigue crack propagation was studied. Visual evaluation and Digital Image Correlation methods were applied to track the crack-tip position a
The feasibility of acoustic emission structural health monitoring to detect, localise and monitor crack propagation during quasi-static mode I loading of adhesively bonded joints was studied. Unsupervised artificial intelligence pattern recognition methods (Self-Organised maps an
The relationship between the response of backface strain distributed sensing by Optical Backscatter Reflectometry and the damage in the adhesive was studied using double cantilever beam specimens. Digital Image Correlation and visual inspection provided information about the crac
This work addresses the effect of the test temperature on the cohesive model parameters for the 3M Scotch-Weld™ 7260 B/A epoxy adhesive. It extends a previous experimental work done at room temperature and further develops a previously proposed parameter identification method bas