Koen Huysman
4 records found
Eind 2014 ontstond de Contactgroep Drinkwater Technologen in Nederland en Vlaanderen uit een fusie tussen de contactgroepen ontharding en filtratie. Technologen van tien Nederlandse en vier Vlaamse waterbedrijven en kennisinstituut KWR delen actief kennis over (drink)watertechnol
Current groundwater treatment facilities, mostly relying on aeration-filtration configurations, aim at the removal of iron (Fe), ammonia (NH
Relatively long operational time is required to achieve effective manganese removal in conventional aeration-filtration groundwater treatment with virgin filter media. Ripening period depends on water quality, operational parameters, and the filter media used. This study assessed
The aim of this study was to identify bacteria present in ripened manganese removal filters for drinking water production. The bacterial population was identified with 'next generation' DNA sequencing, and specific bacteria were quantified with quantitative polymerase chain react