Paolo Paron

8 records found

The quantification of pebble shape has been of interest to geomorphologists for decades. Several authors developed parameters to describe pebble shapes from their images. The extraction of this information from images involves two steps: the segmentation of pebble contours and th ...
Sediment transport in rivers is a complex process whose understanding is still partial. Each sediment particle can be characterized by its size, shape or distance it travelled from its entrance into the river network to its actual position on the river bed. A number of field tech ...

Humans reshape wetlands

Unveiling the last 100 years of morphological changes of the Mara Wetland, Tanzania

The Lower Mara River and Wetland, Tanzania, is an important ecosystem and unique water resource for a vast semi-arid area. The river, an affluent of Lake Victoria, and the wetland are experiencing morphological and vegetation changes resulting in channel avulsions and wetland exp ...
The Mara River is the only perennial river of a vast semi-arid area, including the Mara Serengeti ecoregion in Kenya and Tanzania. The river sustains more than one million inhabitants and millions of wild animals. In its lower reaches, the Mara River forms a wide wetland before f ...
The transboundary Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania, is the only perennial source of inflowing surface water of a vast area including the Mara-Serengeti region. The river sustains millions of wild animals as well as a human population of nearly one million (McClain et al., 2014; Ger ...
Sediment accumulation hampers optimal water resources management of reservoirs. In the Roseires Reservoir across the Blue Nile River, in Sudan, about 30% of the storage capacity has been lost by sedimentation before dam heightening (2012), despite regular sediment sluicing and fl ...