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E.K. Fritz

9 records found

This report explores the impact of a swept wind turbine blade tip on extreme and fatigue
blade and tower loading through numerical investigations. These are conducted within the
context of the TIADE project, a field experiment on a 3.8 MW research turbine, which planned
This study presents results from a long-term measurement campaign on a research wind turbine in the field. Pressure measurements are conducted at 25% blade radius over several months. Together with inflow measurements provided by a LiDAR system, they form an extensive dataset, wh ...
This study presents results from a wind tunnel experiment on a three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine. The model turbine is a scaled-down version of the IEA 15 MW reference wind turbine, preserving the non-dimensional thrust distribution along the blade.

Flow fields w ...
This study validates a correction model, which extends standard blade element momentum theory to swept blades and, by doing so, enhances wind turbine simulation predictability for these advanced geometries. This correction model addresses limitations in BEM algorithms, accommodat ...
This study presents findings from a wind tunnel experiment investigating a model wind turbine equipped with aft-swept blades. Utilising particle image velocimetry, velocity fields were measured at multiple radial stations. These allow the derivation of blade-level aerodynamic par ...
This research article presents a robust approach to optimizing the layout of pressure sensors around an airfoil. A genetic algorithm and a sequential quadratic programming algorithm are employed to derive a sensor layout best suited to represent the expected pressure distribution ...

Swept Away

Numerical and Experimental Investigations into Swept Wind Turbine Blades

In the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, the advancement and deployment of wind turbine technology plays a crucial role. A notable trend in wind turbine design is the ever-growing rotor size, which entails that wind turbine blades have become very slender ...

This article proposes an efficient correction model that enables the extension of the blade element momentum method (BEM) for swept blades. Standard BEM algorithms, assuming a straight blade in the rotor plane, cannot account for the changes in the induction system intr ...
Vortex methods like vortex-lattice or vortex-panel methods are particularly promising to enhance the industrial aerodynamic design process of modern wind turbines. However, despite their advantages over low order methods, like the blade-element-momentum theory, vortex methods sha ...