R.E. Jorissen
4 records found
Storm surge barrier performance
The effect of barrier failures on extreme water level frequencies
Sea level rise necessitates the upgrade of coastal flood protection including storm surge barriers. These large movable hydraulic structures are open in normal conditions, but close during a storm surge to prevent coastal floods in bays and estuaries. Barrier improvements lower t
Worldwide, rivers provide important socio-economic and environmental functions and are essential to human well-being. The growing demand of user-functions and the change in river conditions due to large-scale morphology and climate change, increase the pressure on lowland river s
The summer and autumn of 2018 showed the negative drawback of both low-flow conditions and bed degradation over the last century in the Dutch Rhine. This resulted in record-breaking low water levels, extreme low navigation depth and subsequently nautical problems. The Rhine’s lon
Het Nationaal Waterplan ambieert een krachtig samenspel tussen dijkversterking en rivierverruiming. Richard Jorissen en Matthijs Kok beschrijven de bijdrage van het Hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma. Hoe verhouden de kosten van rivierverruiming en dijkversterking zich tot elkaar, en