The conventional model of social housing in Spain is a peculiarity within European
housing policy, in that it is almost entirely owner-occupied. Subsidized owneroccupancy
housing maintains the status of social housing for a set number of years,
during which time it cannot be sold
The conventional model of social housing in Spain is a peculiarity within European
housing policy, in that it is almost entirely owner-occupied. Subsidized owneroccupancy
housing maintains the status of social housing for a set number of years,
during which time it cannot be sold against market prices. After that period, its status
changes, and the housing concerned becomes part of the free housing market.
However, recent developments in Spanish housing policy suggest that this model might
change in the future. In some Spanish regions, subsidized owner-occupancy housing is
now considered as a separate and permanent tenure category, and not as a temporal
subsidy arrangement. This paper discusses the background and the possible implications
of this new policy perspective.@en