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AE Etxarri
Academic Work (7)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (5)
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7 records found
Multi-level welfare states during a crisis: housing policies and housing repossessions in Spain
Conference paper (2013) -
Kees Dol (author)
AE Etxarri (author)
G.I. Cano Fuentes (author)
EC Cruz Mazo (author)
J.S.C.M. Hoekstra (author)
Tienduizenden uitzettingen van Spaanse eigenaar bewoners: een sociale ramp
Journal article (2012) -
C.P. Dol (author)
Joris Hoekstra (author)
G.I. Cano Fuentes (author)
AE Etxarri (author)
From housing bubble to repossessions. The case of Spain
Conference paper (2012) -
G.I. Cano Fuentes (author)
AE Etxarri (author)
C.P. Dol (author)
Joris Hoekstra (author)
De la burbuja inmobilaria a las ejucuciones hipotecarias
Journal article (2012) -
AE Etxarri (author)
Joris Hoekstra (author)
C.P. Dol (author)
G.I. Cano Fuentes (author)
Recent changes in Spanish housing policies: subsidized owner-occupancy as a new tenure sector?
Journal article (2010) -
JSCM Hoekstra (author)
IH Saizarbitoria (author)
AE Etxarri (author)
Recent changes in Spanish housing policies: subsidized owner-occupancy dwellings as a new tenure sector?
Journal article (2009) -
JSCM Hoekstra (author)
IH Saizarbitoria (author)
AE Etxarri (author)
Spanish housing market
Journal article (2009) -
JSCM Hoekstra (author)
IH Saizarbitoria (author)
AE Etxarri (author)