S.J. Rots

4 records found

The Squatted New Town

Modern Movement meets Self-organisation in Venezuela

A critical discourse on the influence of the Modern Movement in urban design and planning has been taking place since the mid-20th century, accompanied by an ongoing search for opportunities to bring the human dimension, scale and self-organisation into this process. However, sti ...
Municipalities account for a considerable share in the total production of construction work in the Netherlands. Through their commissioning role, public entities can act as a ‘launching customer’ for innovation. New procurement schemes have been and are being installed to improv ...
De bouwsector is een projectensector: van woningbouw tot gebiedsontwikkeling, we organiseren onze activiteiten in projecten. Die projectstructuur blijkt – zowel in de praktijk als volgens de theorie – het structureel leren niet eenvoudig te maken. Voor vernieuwing in de bouwsecto ...
Ciudad Guayana was born as an industrial new town in the early 1960s, as an ambitious national effort to stimulate the regional development of Venezuela. Its planning was the fruit of a unique partnership between the Venezuelan development agency (CVG) and the Joint Center for Ur ...