The authors regret that the original version of this article contained numerical errors in Figure 2 within the main text and Table A1 of Appendix A. Supplementary data. Corrections that need to be made are presented as follows: • For Figure 2 in the main text, the label “0∼4mm SS
The authors regret that the original version of this article contained numerical errors in Figure 2 within the main text and Table A1 of Appendix A. Supplementary data. Corrections that need to be made are presented as follows: • For Figure 2 in the main text, the label “0∼4mm SS (42.5%)” of a flow should be corrected to “0∼4mm SS (44.5%)”, as shown in Fig. C1 below. [Figure presented]• In Table A1 of Appendix A, the electricity usage for the “Wet processing” under the S1 BAU WP scenario should be corrected to “400 kWh” instead of “60,000 kWh”.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and state that the changes reported do not affect the scientific results and conclusions of the manuscript.