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D Visser
Academic Work (19)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (18)
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19 records found
In vivo kinetics with rapid perturbation experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a second-generation BioScope
Journal article (2006) -
MR Mashego (author)
Walter M. van Gulik (author)
JL Vinke (author)
D Visser (author)
JJ Heijnen (author)
Analysis of in vivo kinetics of glycolysis in aerobic Saccharomyces cerevisiae by application of glucose and ethanol pulses
Journal article (2004) -
D Visser (author)
GA van Zuylen (author)
J.C. van Dam (author)
MR Eman (author)
Angela Ten Pierick (author)
C Ras (author)
L Wu (author)
W.M. van Gulik (author)
J. J. Heijnen (author)
Optimal re-design of primary metabolism in Escherichia coli using linlog kinetics
Journal article (2004) -
D Visser (author)
JW Schmid (author)
K Mauch (author)
M Reuss (author)
Joseph J. Heijnen (author)
Dynamic simulation and metabolic re-design of a branched pathway using linlog kinetics
Journal article (2003) -
D Visser (author)
J.J. Heijnen (author)
The mathematics of metabolic control analysis revisited
Journal article (2002) -
D Visser (author)
J.J. Heijnen (author)
Measuring & modeling in vivo kinetics of primary metabolism
Doctoral thesis (2002) -
D Visser (author)
Rapid sampling for analysis of in vivo kinetics using the BioScope: a system for continuous pulse experiments
Journal article (2002) -
D Visser (author)
G.A. van Zuijlen (author)
JC van Dam (author)
A Oudshoorn (author)
MR Eman (author)
C Ras (author)
Walter van Gulik (author)
J. Frank (author)
GWK van Dedem (author)
J.J. Heijnen (author)
Muon spin relaxation studies of magnetic ordering in the molecular-based ferrimagnets PPh4MnIIFeIII(C2O4)3 and (n-C4H9)4NFeIIFeIII(C2)4)3
Journal article (2001) -
ID Watts (author)
SG Garling (author)
P Day (author)
D Visser (author)
Spin chirality and polarised neutron scattering
Journal article (2001) -
VP Plahkty (author)
SV Maleyev (author)
J Kulda (author)
D Visser (author)
J Wosnitza (author)
E Moskvin (author)
Th Brückel (author)
R Kremer (author)
Short-range order in the topological spin glass (D3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OD)6 using xyz polarized neutron diffraction
Journal article (2001) -
AS Wills (author)
GS Oakley (author)
D Visser (author)
J Frunzke (author)
A Harrison (author)
KH Andersen (author)
Chiral critically in helimagnet Ho studied by polorized neutron scattering
Journal article (2001) -
VP Plakhty (author)
W Schweika (author)
Th Brückel (author)
J Kulda (author)
SV Gavrilov (author)
LP Regnault (author)
D Visser (author)
Magnetic ordering in diluted kagome antiferromagnets
Journal article (2001) -
J Frunzke (author)
Th Hansen (author)
A Harrison (author)
JS Lord (author)
GS Oakley (author)
D Visser (author)
AS Wills (author)
Improved rapid sampling for in vivo kinetics of intracellular metabolites in saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Journal article (2001) -
HC Lange (author)
MR Eman (author)
G.A. van Zuijlen (author)
D Visser (author)
JC van Dam (author)
J. Frank (author)
MJ Texeira de Mattos (author)
Joseph J. Heijnen (author)
MUSR studies of the kagome antiferromagnet (H3O)Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2
Journal article (2000) -
A Harrison (author)
KM Kojima (author)
AS Wills (author)
Y Fudamato (author)
MI Larkin (author)
GM Luke (author)
B Nachumi (author)
YJ Uemura (author)
D Visser (author)
JS Lord (author)
Tendency modeling: a new approach to obtain simplified kinetic models of metabolism applied to Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Journal article (2000) -
D Visser (author)
RTJM van der Heijden (author)
K Mauch (author)
M Reuss (author)
J.J. Heijnen (author)
Chiral critical exponents of the trangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsMnBr-3 as determined by polarised neutron scattering
Journal article (2000) -
VP Plahkty (author)
J Kulda (author)
D Visser (author)
E Moskvin (author)
J Wosnitza (author)
Structural study of the high-temperature phase of the hexagonal perovskite KNiCl3
Journal article (2000) -
D Visser (author)
RG Delaplane (author)
WJA Maaskant (author)
Acoustic phonons in the hexagonal perovskite CsNiCl3 around the T-point
Journal article (2000) -
D Visser (author)
AR Monteith (author)
HR Ronnow (author)
WJA Maaskant (author)
Glucose and the ATP paradox in yeast.
Journal article (2000) -
OJG Somsen (author)
MA Hoeben (author)
E Esgalhado (author)
JL Snoep (author)
D Visser (author)
RTJM van der Heijden (author)
Joseph J. Heijnen (author)
HV Westerhoff (author)