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J van Dam
Academic Work (18)
Abstract (2)
Book (2)
Book chapter (2)
Journal article (12)
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18 records found
Book chapter (2013) -
P. van Mourik (author)
J van Dam (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
WNJ Ursem (author)
Materials Science in design and engineering
Book (2012) -
P. van Mourik (author)
J van Dam (author)
SJ Picken (author)
Chernobyl 137Cs in lichens: Use of specific activity showing differences in transport routes of Cs and 137Cs
Journal article (2004) -
Hubert Th. Wolterbeek (author)
Z Jeran (author)
TG Verburg (author)
J van Dam (author)
JJM de Goeij (author)
Materiaalkunde voor Ontwerpers en Constructeurs
Book (2004) -
P. van Mourik (author)
J van Dam (author)
Mixing of Chernobyl 137Cs into environmental pools: the use of lichen data
Abstract (2002) -
Hubert T. Wolterbeek (author)
TG Verburg (author)
JJM de Goeij (author)
J van Dam (author)
Mixing of Chernobyl 137Cs into environmental Cs pools: the use of lichen data
Abstract (2002) -
Hubert Th. Wolterbeek (author)
TG Verburg (author)
JJM de Goeij (author)
Z Jeran (author)
J van Dam (author)
Materiaalkunde voor ontwerpers en constructeurs.
Book chapter (2001) -
P. van Mourik (author)
J van Dam (author)
On the coarsening of co-continuous morphologies in polymer blends: effect of interfacial tension, viscosity and physical cross-links.
Journal article (2000) -
H Veenstra (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
On the mechanical properties of co-continuous polymer blends: experimental and modelling.
Journal article (2000) -
H Veenstra (author)
PCJ Verkooijen (author)
BJJ Lent (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
AHJ Nijhof (author)
Morphology development in immiscible polymer blends: initial blend morphology and phase dimensions.
Journal article (1999) -
RC Willemse (author)
EJJ Ramakers (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
Stability of co-continuous polystyrene/poly(ether-ester) blends in shear flow.
Journal article (1999) -
H Veenstra (author)
Ben Norder (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
Coarsening in molten quiescent polymer blends - The role of the initial morphology.
Journal article (1999) -
RC Willemse (author)
EJJ Ramakers (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
Co-continuous morphologies in polymer blends: the influence of the interfacial tension.
Journal article (1999) -
RC Willemse (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
J van Dam (author)
AD Gotsis (author)
Formation and stability of co-continuous blends with a poly(ether-ester) block-copolymer around its order-disorder temperature.
Journal article (1999) -
H Veenstra (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
Co-continuous morphologies in polymer blends with SEBS block copolymers.
Journal article (1999) -
H Veenstra (author)
BJJ van Lent (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
On the mechanical properties of co-continuous polymer blends: experimental and modelling
Journal article (1999) -
H Veenstra (author)
PCJ Verkooijen (author)
BJJ Lent (author)
J van Dam (author)
AP de Boer (author)
AHJ Nijhof (author)
Co-continuous morphologies in polymer blends: a new model.
Journal article (1998) -
RC Willemse (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)
J van Dam (author)
AD Gotsis (author)
The interfacial tension between a thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester and polyethersulfone: a comparison of methods.
Journal article (1998) -
AGC Machiels (author)
RJ Busser (author)
J van Dam (author)
A. Posthuma de Boer (author)