52 records found
Spatial mapping of the city of Lisbon using biomonitors
Burn Wood influence on outdoor air quality in a small village: Foros de Arrao, Portugal
Robustness of different regression modelling strategies in epidemiology: a time-series analysis of hospital admissions and air pollutants in Lisbon (1999-2004)
Response of exposed bark and exposed lichen to an urban area
Is there a future for biomonitoring of elemental air pollution? A review focused on a larger-scaled health-related (epidemiological) context
Effect of particulate matter, atmospheric gases, temperature, and humidity on respiratory and circulatory diseases' tends in Lisbon, Portugal
Parmelia sulcata lichen transplants positioning towards wind direction (PartII): element concentrations and relationships with atmospheric element deposition
Micro-scale elemental distribution in the thallus of Flavoparmelia carperata transplanted to polluted site
Influence of meteorological conditions on PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 elemental concentrations on Sado estuary area, Portugal
Local and regional sources as given by aerosol measurements and biomonitoring at Sado estuary area, Portugal
Robustmess of different regression modelling strategies in epidemiology: a time-series analysis of hospital adminissions and air pollutants in Lisbon (1999-2004)
Parmelia sulcata lichen transplants positionering towards wind direction (Part I): precipitation volumes, total element deposition and lichen element content
Accumulation of trace elements in the peripheral and central parts of two species of epiphytic lichens transplanted to a polluted site in Portugal
Bioaccumulation behaviour of transplants of the lichen Flavoparmelia caperata in relation to total deposition at a polluted location in Portugal
Large-scale biomonitoring of trace element air pollution: local variance, data comparability and its relationships to human health
Correlating element atmospheric deposition and cancer mortality in Portugal: Data handling and preliminary results
Topical isotopic exchange and compartmental analysis approach for probing solute behaviour at the soil/arsenate solution interface
Off-line chromatographic assessment of Fe(II) in seawater