M.W. Klooster

50 records found


The Urban Forest Hotel Amsterdam is a hotel where guests, Amsterdammers and other visitors will find a small but profoundly natural forest of native trees within the city. It is a space where human and non-human animals can come and live together. Located besides the Artis zoo, i ...
The Future Bank, the design project for the graduation studio of Interiors Buildings Cities, questions the current role of the National Bank of Belgium withing the city of Brussels, as the institution has distanced itself from the city by the digitalization and outsourcing of for ...

An Echo of Timelessness

Moments of introspective play at De Hoge Veluwe national park

Over the past decades the act of play has taken on an ever-decreasing form of
importance in society. This not only leads to the absence of its accompanying
architecture, but also to more boring, uniform and hollow spaces. With the ambition of designing for the homo ludens ...
The brief of this year’s studio addresses the National Bank of Belgium located on the border of upper and lower parts of Brussels. The current fortress like megastructure that the bank occupies is imposing power and solidity, but is closing itself completely from the public. With ...

The Future Bank

Public Interior As The Bank's New Image

The National Bank of Belgium occupied a large, closed block on the edge of lower and upper Brussels. The building complex will become the workplace of the bank’s 1500 office-based staff. Moreover, the bank sees itself as a more open, permeable environment because of the increasin ...
The National bank of Belgium is envisioned as an open, transparent, publicly engaged institution that draws the city into itself, hopefully becoming a catalyst for change.
The attitude the project takes is to deeply understand and interrogate what exists before proposing chan ...
The National Bank of Belgium stands as a fortified conglomerate of historic patchwork structures, within central Brussels. With its inherent role having shifted from that of a safekeeper of physical goods towards a mere office, the building can be made publicly accessible, taking ...

Future Bank: a New Face in the City

Allowing for unconventional permeable spaces within a vast urban block

This year, the Interiors Buildings Cities graduation studio
has revolved around the topic of the Future Bank. The project addresses the transformation of the National Bank of Belgium set in Brussels, consisting of a vast triangular urban block of 90.000 m2. The bank, designed ...
The project is to transform Belgium National Bank into a working environment capable of accommodating diverse activities. Given its economic capacity and social responsibility, the bank also has a public attribute that allows it to accommodate specific public events.
propose ...

The Future Bank

Transformation of the National Bank of Brussels

The Future Bank involves the transformation and adaptive reuse of the National Bank of Belgium in Brussels. A vast closed off urban block, designed to safeguard the states treasures hasn’t moved with the ever changing ambiguous role of the bank. The project introduces a new publi ...


A new public figure

This graduation project is focusing on and looking for the function and role of the future national bank, as an outcome of its current physical and social situation. The site of the project is the National Bank of Belgium, located in Brussels.
For its program, the bank has a ...

De Nieuwe Doelen

A Public House for Diversity

The project rethinks the City Hotel and its accommodation of tourists within Amsterdam. Additionally, the building answers the question of urban densification and building within the historic centre of Amsterdam and revises the social precepts of privilege inherent to the elite a ...

Home of the Innocent

Providing Humane Accommodation to Parentless Refugee Children

The project sets out to investigate what the architectural model could be like that offers shelter to parentless refugee children that now live in camps throughout Europe. To offer the children the prospect of a brighter future, the building sets out to create a safe and protecti ...


City Hotel in Amsterdam

The project seeks to stabilise and reverse the degradation of the pier’s walls so it remains available to its users. The structure acts as a stabilizer for this piece of land, so as not to let it disappear.
The light structure takes inspiration from a bird perched on a branch ...
The topic of the studio, “city hotel”, concerns sustainability and hospitality at the same time, aiming to provide a temporary living space within the doughnut model. Since the location of the project is the historical center of Amsterdam which has been largely affected by touris ...
This years graduation project is set In the city of Amsterdam. A city that has seen an exponential rise in tourist numbers and housing prices. Resulting in a city wide gentrification that made the city undesirable and too expensive for citizens to live in. In an attempt to deal w ...
I researched the city planning history of Amsterdam and the specific model of the residential hotel. The research on the characteristics of the Amsterdam canal house and the hofje inspired my proposal of the city hotel. Both the spatial sequence and the operating mode will refer ...

Amsterdam’s Zero-Waste City Ho(s)tel

Re-imagining the building materials industry to meet the challenges of the 21st century

Jordaan’s Driehoekstraat Hostel targets a group of people that are intent on learning more about material consumption and shared knowledge potentials for more sustainable living. The building and its architecture aims to underline the sustainable values that will lead Amsterdam a ...

Amsterdam City Hotel

Stenen Hoofd Wetland

Stenen Hoofd City Hotel together with a wetland create a new conditions on a previously not maintained pier in Amsterdam. Based on the Doughnut Economics and Hotel Typology research this intervention responds to the local ecological lens of the Amsterdam's Doughnut Model. Biodive ...
After 2000 there has been a great globalization and enormous development in Istanbul. Which has ensured a strong economic growth, but had some negative social influences. With “Kentsel donusum” (urban transformation) projects, deprived neighborhood have been transformed. The inha ...