D.P. Donovan

7 records found

Cloud shadows can be detected in the radiance measurements of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Sentinel-5P satellite due to its high spatial resolution and could possibly affect its air quality products. The cloud-shadow-induced signatures are, howeve ...
The interactions between aerosols and clouds are among the least understood climatic processes and were studied over Ascension Island. A ground-based UV polarization lidar was deployed on Ascension Island, which is located in the stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition zone of the so ...
Cloud shadows are observed by the TROPOMI satellite instrument as a result of its high spatial resolution compared to its predecessor instruments. These shadows contaminate TROPOMI's air quality measurements, because shadows are generally not taken into account in the models that ...
Accurate lidar-based measurements of cloud optical extinction, even though perhaps limited to the cloud base region, are useful. Arguably, more advanced lidar techniques (e.g. Raman) should be applied for this purpose. However, simpler polarisation and backscatter lidars offer a ...
Marine stratocumulus clouds are important climate regulators, reflecting sunlight over a dark ocean background. A UV-depolarization lidar on Ascension, a small remote island in the south Atlantic, measured cloud droplet sizes and number concentration using an inversion method bas ...
Despite the importance of radar reflectivity (Z) measurements in the retrieval of liquid water cloud properties, it remains nontrivial to interpret Z due to the possible presence of drizzle droplets within the clouds. So far, there has been no published work that utilizes Z to id ...
The links between multiple-scattering induced depolarization and cloud microphysical properties (e.g. cloud particle number density, effective radius, water content) have long been recognised. Previous efforts to use depolarization information in a quantitative manner to retrieve ...