8 records found


Clouds affected by solar eclipses could influence the reflection of sunlight back into space and might change local precipitation patterns. Satellite cloud retrievals have so far not taken into account the lunar shadow, hindering a reliable spaceborne assessment of the eclipse ...

Chasing rainbows and ocean glints

Inner working angle constraints for the Habitable Worlds Observatory

NASA is engaged in planning for a Habitable Worlds Observatory (HabWorlds), a coronagraphic space mission to detect rocky planets in habitable zones and establish their habitability. Surface liquid water is central to the definition of planetary habitability. Photometric and p ...

Cloud shadows are observed by the TROPOMI satellite instrument as a result of its high spatial resolution compared to its predecessor instruments. These shadows contaminate TROPOMI's air quality measurements, because shadows are generally not taken into account in the models that ...
ontext. Numerical simulations of starlight that is reflected by Earth-like exoplanets predict habitability signatures that can be searched for with future telescopes.

Aims. We explore signatures of water oceans in the flux and polarization spectra of this reflected light ...
During a solar eclipse the solar irradiance reaching the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is reduced in the Moon shadow. The solar irradiance is commonly measured by Earth observation satellites before the start of the solar eclipse and is not corrected for this reduction, which resul ...

Colors of an Earth-like exoplanet

Temporal flux and polarization signals of the Earth

Context. Understanding the total flux and polarization signals of Earth-like planets and their spectral and temporal variability is essential for the future characterization of such exoplanets. Aims. We provide computed total (F) and linearly (Q and U) and circularly (V) polar ...


Impact of solar eclipses on NO2 in the Earth's atmosphere as measured from space by TROPOMI

Understanding the sensitivity of the Earth's atmospheric composition to short-term variations in sunlight

During a solar eclipse, sunlight incident on the Earth is reduced due to the (partial) shadow of the Moon. Atmospheric trace gas concentrations which are influenced by the amount of available sunlight, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), may be affected due to the disrupte ...
To answer the question of habitability of other planets, it is crucial to find liquid water. As a planet’s surface might be difficult to characterise through observations, the observation of cloud composition and coverage could possibly reveal the presence of large bodies of surf ...