Mohsen Alirezaei

10 records found


This paper presents an original approach to vehicle obstacle avoidance. It involves the development of a nonlinear Model Predictive Contouring Control, which uses torque vectoring to stabilise and drive the vehicle in evasive manoeuvres at the limit of handling. The proposed a ...

This paper proposes a novel vehicle sideslip angle estimator, which uses the physical knowledge from an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) based on a non-linear single-track vehicle model to enhance the estimation accuracy of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The model-based an ...

Multiple Faults Estimation in Dynamical Systems

Tractable Design and Performance Bounds

In this article, we propose a tractable nonlinear fault estimation filter along with explicit performance bounds for a class of linear dynamical systems in the presence of both additive and nonlinear multiplicative faults. We consider the case, where both faults may occur simu ...

This paper presents a novel methodology to auto-tune an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). It involves using a Two-Stage Bayesian Optimisation (TSBO), based on a t-Student Process to optimise the process noise parameters of a UKF for vehicle sideslip angle estimation. Our method mini ...

In this research a controller is developed that can control path-tracking both within and beyond stable limit handling. The controller is based on the equations of motion of the nonlinear bicycle model. The performance of the controller is evaluated in simulation, a sensitivit ...

The road's geometry strongly influences the path planner's performance, critical for autonomous navigation in high-speed dynamic scenarios (e.g., highways). Hence, this paper introduces the Curvature-aware Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (CA-CL-RRT), whose planning performance is ...

Lateral control in the absence of lane markings is an essential safety fallback for an autonomous vehicle in cooperative driving applications. Point following control is one such solutions for lateral control. However, it suffers from corner cutting and severe disturbance ampl ...

In this research a controller is developed that can control path-tracking both within and beyond stable limit handling. A controller is developed, based on the equations of motion of the nonlinear bicycle model. The performance of the controller is evaluated in both simulation ...


Vehicle platooning is often regarded as one of the most promising solutions for solving the road congestion issues. Experiments have successfully proven that longitudinal platooning can be safely achieved in real world applications using a platoon of several vehicles. Lateral con ...
The ever-increasing road transport demand in the developing and the developed world has resulted in road-traffic networks nearing maximum capacity. Traditional approaches to this problem, such as increasing road capacity, do not offer long-term solutions. Combined with rising env ...