Polymer Ca-alginate capsules with rejuvenator bring a high healing level for asphalt concrete under dry healing environments; however, the healing levels of bituminous mixtures containing capsules under water healing conditions are still unknown. In view of this, this study aimed
Polymer Ca-alginate capsules with rejuvenator bring a high healing level for asphalt concrete under dry healing environments; however, the healing levels of bituminous mixtures containing capsules under water healing conditions are still unknown. In view of this, this study aimed at exploring the healing levels of asphalt concrete containing polymer capsules under various solution healing conditions following cyclic loads. This study involved the preparation of capsules, followed by the evaluation of their morphological characteristics, resilience to compression, thermal endurance, and rejuvenator content. The assessment of the healing properties of asphalt concrete utilizing capsules was conducted through a fracture–heal–refracture examination. This study conducted Fourier transform infrared spectrum experiments to determine the rejuvenator release ratio of capsules under dry conditions and the remaining rejuvenator content in extracted bituminous binder from capsule–asphalt concrete after solution treatment. Meanwhile, a dynamic shear rheometer was utilized to investigate the rheological characteristics of asphalt binder. Results revealed that the healing ratios of capsule–asphalt concrete beams under a dry healing environment were significantly higher than that of beams under various solution healing conditions, and the alkali solution has the worst effect on the improvement in healing ratio. The coupled impact of moisture intrusion and ion erosion resulted in an enhancement of complex modulus of asphalt binder while concurrently reducing its phase angle. Consequently, the restorative capacity of the asphalt binder was weakened.