K. Szymańska

7 records found

This is a review on the feasibility of monolithic porous supports in biocatalysis carried out in a continuous flow system. It discusses factors affecting the efficiency and stability of enzyme immobilisation, kinetic parameters of enzyme processes carried out inside a monolith, b ...
Effectiveness of catalytic processes using heterogeneous biocatalysts depends not only on the activity of the enzyme, but also on the efficiency of the used reactor. In this paper, we present a novel design of a basket reactor with a stationary catalyst bed (StatBioChem). The dev ...
Enantiomerically pure cyanohydrins are of great importance in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Their synthesis is possible through the use of highly selective hydroxynitrile lyases. In this work, an R-selective hydroxynitrile lyase (AtHNL) from Arabidopsis thaliana was ...
Here, we present a two-step continuous flow enzymatic synthesis process in monolithic microreactors using basic sugars as substrates. In the first step UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (TaGalU) catalyses the synthesis of uridine-diphosphate-glucose (UDP-Glc) using uridine triphospha ...
Enzymes are nature's catalyst of choice for the highly selective and efficient coupling of carbohydrates. Enzymatic sugar coupling is a competitive technology for industrial glycosylation reactions, since chemical synthetic routes require extensive use of laborious protection gro ...
Enzymes are supreme catalysts when it comes to high enantiopurities and their immobilization will pave the way for continuous operation. In this context, we show the covalent immobilization of hydroxynitrile lyases HbHNL ( ...
The new application of acyltransferase, isolated from Mycobacterium smegmatis for the chemo-enzymatic Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclic ketones to lactones was demonstrated. Acyltransferase exhibited high activity, and high stability under harsh reaction conditions, like oxidat ...