A Haxaire

5 records found

Recently, a constitutive model has been developed to describe the mechanical behaviour of frozen soil as a function of temperature, all the way to the unfrozen state, and vice versa [1]. The model has been implemented as a user-defined soil model (UDSM) in the geotechnical finite ...
Recently, a constitutive model has been developed describing the mechanical behaviour of frozen soil as a function of temperature, all the way to the unfrozen state, and vice versa (Ghoreishian et al., 2016). The model has been implemented as a user-defined soil model in the geot ...
Knowing that extensive field tests and laboratory tests are time-consuming and expensive, this paper describes a practical approach to obtain crucial properties of frozen soil such as the soil freezing characteristic curve (SFCC), the freezing/melting point of a soil-water system ...