K. Tsiakas
6 records found
Unpacking Human-AI interactions
From Interaction Primitives to a Design Space
This article aims to develop a semi-formal representation for Human-AI (HAI) interactions, by building a set of interaction primitives which can specify the information exchanges between users and AI systems during their interaction. We show how these primitives can be combined i
Explaining the Wait
How Justifying Chatbot Response Delays Impact User Trust
In human communication, responding to a question very slowly or quickly influences our trust in the answer. As chatbots evolve to increasingly mimic human speech, response speed can be artificially varied to create certain impressions on users. However, studies remain inconclusiv
‘How Would you Score Yourself?’
The Effect of Self-assessment Strategy Through Robots on Children’s Motivation and Performance in Piano Practice
This research examines how to design social robots to support self-regulated learning skills for piano practice. More specifically, a social robot is used to provide feedback to children and initiate self-assessment. To assess the impact of this approach on children’s motivation
Ethic Amanuensis
Supporting Machine Learning Practitioners Making and Recording Ethical Decisions
Ethics should be a practice, not a checkbox. Data scientists want to answer questions about individuals and society using the vast torrent of data that flows around us. Machine learning practitioners want to develop and connect complex
models of the world and use them safely ...
models of the world and use them safely ...
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between emotions experienced during learning and metacognition in typically developing (TD) children and those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This will assist us in using machine learning (ML) to develop a facial emotio
In this paper, we discuss the trends and challenges of the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in the workplace. An important aspect towards creating positive AI futures in the workplace is the design of fair, reliable and trustworthy AI systems which aim to augme