A.L.J. Steenhuis

3 records found

Innovative Installation Vessel Design for TLP Floating Wind

Exploring the design space by applying a comprehensive modeling approach

Offshore wind stands as a crucial contributor to generating clean, renewable energy, but the limited availability of shallow water locations restrains the potential of bottom-fixed wind. To unlock the vast wind energy potential in deeper waters, a substantial reduction in the Lev ...

Design of an on-board installation system for a TLP FOWT

A potential design for the installation of a fully assembled TLP FOWT

This research investigated the feasibility of designing an on-board system for the installation of fully assembled Tension Leg Platform Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (TLP FOWTs). The study aimed to identify a potential design that would enhance the overall feasibility of such i ...
Due to the growing demand for offshore wind energy and the increasing wind turbine sizes, a shortage of capable installation vessels is anticipated by 2024. Consequently, the utilisation of heavy-lift vessels, previously not employed for bottom-founded or floating offshore wind t ...