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E van der Aa
Academic Work (2)
Journal article (2)
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2 records found
Elemental segregation during resistance spot welding of boron containing advanced high strength steels
Journal article (2015) -
M Amirthalingam (author)
M. Amirthalingam (author)
Muru Amirthalingam (author)
E van der Aa (author)
C Kwakernaak (author)
C. Kwakernaak (author)
Cees Kwakernaak (author)
Marcel J.M. Hermans (author)
Marcel Hermans (author)
M.J.M. Hermans (author)
M. J.M. Hermans (author)
MJM Hermans (author)
Ian Richardson (author)
IM Richardson (author)
I.M. Richardson (author)
Ian M. Richardson (author)
I. M. Richardson (author)
Performance of resistance spot welded joints in advance high strength steel in static and dynamic tensile tests
Journal article (2012) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T Okada (author)
T Moolevliet (author)
extern Mennes (author)
E van der Aa (author)
M Uchihara (author)
S Smith (author)
T Nishibata (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
K Fukui (author)