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N.J. den Uijl
Academic Work (22)
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Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (5)
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22 records found
Resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels
Doctoral thesis (2015) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
IM Richardson (promotor)
Ian M. Richardson (promotor)
I. M. Richardson (promotor)
Ian Richardson (promotor)
I.M. Richardson (promotor)
Phosphorous and boron segregation during resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels
Conference paper (2013) -
Muru Amirthalingam (author)
M. Amirthalingam (author)
M Amirthalingam (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
EM van der Aa (author)
E.M. van der Aa (author)
M.J.M. Hermans (author)
Marcel Hermans (author)
MJM Hermans (author)
M. J.M. Hermans (author)
Marcel J.M. Hermans (author)
Ian M. Richardson (author)
I. M. Richardson (author)
IM Richardson (author)
Ian Richardson (author)
I.M. Richardson (author)
Fosfor- en boriumsegregatie tijdens weerstandpuntlassen van geavanceerde hogesterktestalen
Journal article (2012) -
M Amirthalingam (author)
Muru Amirthalingam (author)
M. Amirthalingam (author)
M.J.M. Hermans (author)
M. J.M. Hermans (author)
Marcel Hermans (author)
Marcel J.M. Hermans (author)
MJM Hermans (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
Performance of resistance spot welded joints in advance high strength steel in static and dynamic tensile tests
Journal article (2012) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T Okada (author)
T Moolevliet (author)
extern Mennes (author)
E van der Aa (author)
M Uchihara (author)
S Smith (author)
T Nishibata (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
K Fukui (author)
Performance of tensile tested resistance spot and laser welded joints at various angles
Journal article (2012) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
F Azakane (author)
S Kilic (author)
V Docter (author)
Advanced metal-forming technologies for automotive applications
Book chapter (2012) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
L.J. Carless (author)
IIW Doc. III-1573-10 Performance of resistance spot welded joints in advance high strength steel in static and dynamic tensile tests
Conference paper (2010) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
Poster: Issues concerning the use of welding simulations in the design of automotive applications
Poster (2010) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
M Sadhinoch (author)
The influence of welding on advanced high strength TRIP and dual phase steels
Conference paper (2010) -
Ian Richardson (author)
Ian M. Richardson (author)
IM Richardson (author)
I.M. Richardson (author)
I. M. Richardson (author)
M. Amirthalingam (author)
Muru Amirthalingam (author)
M Amirthalingam (author)
Marcel J.M. Hermans (author)
M.J.M. Hermans (author)
M. J.M. Hermans (author)
MJM Hermans (author)
Marcel Hermans (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
M.K. Wibowo (author)
The effect of ageing on the spot weld strength of AHSS and the consequences for testing procedures
Journal article (2010) -
S Smith (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T Okada (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
Influence of the paint baking cycle on the mechanical properties of AHSS welded structures in automotive assemblies
Conference paper (2009) -
S Smith (author)
T Okada (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
Prediction of post weld hardness of advanced high strength steels for automotive application using a dedicated carbon equivalent number. IIW-1873-07
Journal article (2008) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
S Smith (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
H Nishibata (author)
T Okada (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
The effect of paint baking cycles on the spot weld strength of AHSS and consequences for testing procedures
Conference paper (2008) -
T Okada (author)
S Smith (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
Thermal and electrical resistance in resistance spot welding
Conference paper (2008) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
The effect of ageing on the spot weld strength of AHSS and consequences for testing procedures
Conference paper (2008) -
S Smith (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)
T Okada (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
Failure modes of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steels
Conference paper (2008) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
S Smith (author)
T Moolevliet (author)
C Goos (author)
EM van der Aa (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
Prediction of post weld hardness of advanced high strength steels for automotive application using a dedicated carbon equivalence number
Conference paper (2007) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
H Nishibata (author)
S Smith (author)
T Okada (author)
T van der Veldt (author)
M Uchihara (author)
K Fukui (author)
The influence of electrode geometry on resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels for automotive applications
Conference paper (2007) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
S Smith (author)
Post weld heat treatment of advanced high strength steel for automotive joining
Conference paper (2007) -
N.J. den Uijl (author)
Resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels for the automotive industry
Conference paper (2006) -
S Smith (author)
N.J. den Uijl (author)