Iris De Graeve
16 records found
Sr is known to transform the morphology of the eutectic silicon phase as well as the Fe-rich β phase in Al-Si alloys, improving their mechanical properties. However, little is known about the effect Sr has on the (local) corrosion properties of aluminium alloys. This study invest
The occurrence of preferential grain etching (PGE) during alkaline etching of aluminum extrusion alloys from the 6XXX series is often linked to the presence of certain impurity elements such as zinc, causing an undesired etching appearance. In the presented work, an additional cu
Different thermomechanical processes have been used to modify the microstructure of elelctrolytic tough pitch copper (ETP-Cu) in terms of texture, mean grain and grain boundary length fraction. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and linear sweep voltammetry measurements were