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GL Amy
Academic Work (32)
Book (4)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (3)
Journal article (23)
Poster (1)
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32 records found
Algal blooms: an emerging threat to seawater reverse osmosis desalination
Journal article (2015) -
L Villacorte (author)
S.A. Tabatabai (author)
N Dhakal (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC Schippers (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
The modified fouling index ultrafiltration constant flux for assessing particulate/colloidal fouling of ro systems
Journal article (2015) -
SG Salinas RodrÃguez (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC Schippers (author)
Maria Kennedy (author)
WWTP Shell Godorf, Germany: Optimization of oil refinery wastewater treatment
Book chapter (2014) -
A Pinzon (author)
Damir Brdanovic (author)
MS Moussa (author)
CM Lopez Vazquez (author)
S.C.F. Meijer (author)
H van Straaten (author)
A Janssen (author)
M. C.M. van Loosdrecht (author)
GL Amy (author)
Impact of spacer thickness on biofouling in forward osmosis
Journal article (2014) -
R. Valladares Linares (author)
S.S. Bucs (author)
Z. Li (author)
M Abu Ghdeeb (author)
GL Amy (author)
J.S. Vrouwenvelder (author)
Forward osmosis niches in seawater desalination and wastewater reuse
Journal article (2014) -
R. Valladares Linares (author)
Z. Li (author)
A Sarp (author)
S.S. Bucs (author)
GL Amy (author)
J.S. Vrouwenvelder (author)
Higher boron rejection with a new TFC forward osmosis membrane
Poster (2014) -
R. Valladares Linares (author)
ZY Li (author)
S Sarp (author)
YG Park (author)
GL Amy (author)
J.S. Vrouwenvelder (author)
Practical experience of backwashing with SWRO permeate for UF fouling control
Journal article (2013) -
S Li (author)
Bas S.G.J. Heijman (author)
JQJC Verberk (author)
GL Amy (author)
J.C. van Dijk (author)
Relation between interfacial energy and adsorption of organic micropollutants onto activated carbon
Journal article (2013) -
D.J. De Ridder (author)
A.R.D. Verliefde (author)
K Schoutteten (author)
Bart van der van der Linden (author)
Bas S.G.J. Heijman (author)
I Beurroies (author)
R Denoyel (author)
GL Amy (author)
J.C. van Dijk (author)
Characterisation of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) produced during algal bloom: a membrane treatment perspective
Journal article (2013) -
L.O. Villacorte (author)
Y Ekowati (author)
H Winters (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC Schippers (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
Cation exchange during subsurface iron removal
Journal article (2012) -
D Van Halem (author)
D.H. Moed (author)
J.Q.J.C. Verberk (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC van Dijk (author)
Attenuation of bulk organic matter, nutrients (N and P), and pathogen indicators during soil passage: Effect of temperature and redox conditions in simulated soil aquifer treatment (SAT)
Journal article (2012) -
CDT Abel (author)
SK Sharma (author)
YN Malolo (author)
SK Maeng (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Rejection of emerging contaminants by nf membranes
Conference paper (2009) -
VA Yangali Quintanilla (author)
T Fujioka (author)
MD Kennedy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Comparison of the modelling approach between membrane bioreactor and conventional activated sludge processes
Journal article (2009) -
L Jiang (author)
G Sin (author)
H. Spanjers (author)
I Nopens (author)
MD Kennedy (author)
WGJ van der Meer (author)
H. Futselaar (author)
GL Amy (author)
Impact of organic compounds of backwash on ultrafiltration fouling control
Conference paper (2009) -
S Li (author)
S. J.G. Heijman (author)
J.Q.J.C. Verberk (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC van Dijk (author)
A.R.D. Verliefde (author)
Modeling disinfection by-products: coupling hydraulic and chemical models
Journal article (2008) -
K Ghebremichael (author)
A Gebremeskel (author)
N Trifunovic (author)
GL Amy (author)
Fate of effluent organic matter and natural organic matter through riverbank filtration
Journal article (2008) -
S.K. Maeng (author)
A Sharma (author)
A Magic-Knezev (author)
GL Amy (author)
Comparing nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for treating recycled water
Book (2008) -
J Drewes (author)
C Bellona (author)
P Xu (author)
GL Amy (author)
G Filteau (author)
G Oelker (author)
Differentiation of wastewater effluent organic matter (efom) from natural organic matter (nom) using multiple analytical techniques
Journal article (2008) -
S Nam (author)
GL Amy (author)
Toward a better identification of foulant species in mbr processes
Journal article (2008) -
B Teychene (author)
C Guigui (author)
|C Cabassud (author)
GL Amy (author)
Design considerations for small-scale subsurface arsenic removal in developing countries
Conference paper (2008) -
D. van Halem (author)
SGJ Heijman (author)
B Petrusevski (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC van Dijk (author)