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SK Sharma
Academic Work (27)
Conference paper (10)
Journal article (17)
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27 records found
Persistent and Photostimulated Red Emission in CaS:Eu2+,Dy3+ Nanophosphors
Journal article (2015) -
D.C. Rodriguez Burbano (author)
SK Sharma (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
Pieter Dorenbos (author)
P Dorenbos (author)
B Viana (author)
J.A. Capobianco (author)
Effect of primary effluent coagulation on performance of laboratory-scale managed aquifer recharge system
Journal article (2015) -
CDT Abel (author)
RM Vortisch (author)
JP Ntelya (author)
SK Sharma (author)
Maria Kennedy (author)
Maria D. Kennedy (author)
M.D. Kennedy (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
The in vivo activation of persistent nanophosphors for optical imaging of vascularization, tumours and grafted cells
Journal article (2014) -
T. Maldiney (author)
A Bessiere (author)
D. Scherman (author)
C. Richard (author)
J. Seguin (author)
E. Teston (author)
SK Sharma (author)
B Viana (author)
A. J.J. Bos (author)
A.J.J. Bos (author)
Adrie Bos (author)
A. J.J. bos (author)
Adrie J.J. bos (author)
Adrie bos (author)
Adrie J.J. Bos (author)
A.J.J. bos (author)
AJJ Bos (author)
AJJ bos (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
P Dorenbos (author)
Pieter Dorenbos (author)
M. Bessodes (author)
D Gourier (author)
Influence of intermittent infiltration of primary effluent on removal of suspended solids, bulk organic matter, nitrogen and pathogens indicators in a simulated managed aquifer recharge system
Journal article (2014) -
CDT Abel (author)
SK Sharma (author)
SA Mersha (author)
Maria Kennedy (author)
M.D. Kennedy (author)
Maria D. Kennedy (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
Storage of Visible Light for Long-Lasting Phosphorescence in Chromium-Doped Zinc Gallate
Journal article (2014) -
A Bessiere (author)
SK Sharma (author)
D Gourier (author)
N. Basavaraju (author)
K.R. Priolkar (author)
L. Binet (author)
B Viana (author)
Adrie J.J. Bos (author)
AJJ bos (author)
A.J.J. Bos (author)
AJJ Bos (author)
A.J.J. bos (author)
A. J.J. Bos (author)
Adrie bos (author)
A. J.J. bos (author)
Adrie Bos (author)
Adrie J.J. bos (author)
T. Maldiney (author)
C. Richard (author)
D. Scherman (author)
Methods and tools for managing losses in water distribution systems
Journal article (2013) -
HE Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Impact of hydraulic loading rate and media type on removal of bulk organic matter and nitrogen from primary effluent in a laboratory-scale soil aquifer treatment system
Journal article (2013) -
CDT Abel (author)
SK Sharma (author)
E Bucpapaj (author)
Maria D. Kennedy (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
M.D. Kennedy (author)
Maria Kennedy (author)
Attenuation of bulk organic matter, nutrients (N and P), and pathogen indicators during soil passage: Effect of temperature and redox conditions in simulated soil aquifer treatment (SAT)
Journal article (2012) -
CDT Abel (author)
SK Sharma (author)
YN Malolo (author)
SK Maeng (author)
M. D. Kennedy (author)
Maria D. Kennedy (author)
Maria Kennedy (author)
M.D. Kennedy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Multi criteria decision analysis: a strategic planning tool for water loss management
Journal article (2011) -
H Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Tracking natural organic in a drinking water treatment plant using fluorescence excitation-emmision matrices and parafac
Journal article (2011) -
SA Bagoth (author)
SK Sharma (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Removal of nom-constituents as characterized by lc-ocd and f-eem during drinking water treatment
Journal article (2011) -
SA Bagoth (author)
SK Sharma (author)
M Guitard (author)
L Heim (author)
J-P Croué (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Operational tools for decision support in leakage control
Journal article (2011) -
H Mutikanga (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
SK Sharma (author)
S Akita (author)
Investigating water meter performance in developing countries: a case study of kampala, uganda
Journal article (2011) -
H Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Occurence and fate of bulk organic matter and pharmaceutically active compounds in managed aquifer recharge: a review
Journal article (2011) -
S.K. Maeng (author)
Sung Kyu Maeng (author)
SK Sharma (author)
Karin Lekkerkerker-Teunissen (author)
K. Lekkerkerker (author)
Karin Lekkerkerker (author)
K. Lekkerkerker-Teunissen (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Characterizing nom and removal trends during drinkingwater treatment using fluorescence excitation emission matrices and parafac
Conference paper (2011) -
SA Bagoth (author)
SK Sharma (author)
M Dignum (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Organic micropollutant removal from wastewater effluent-impacted drinking water sources during bank filtration and artificial recharge
Journal article (2010) -
S.K. Maeng (author)
Sung Kyu Maeng (author)
E Ameda (author)
SK Sharma (author)
G Grutzmacher (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)
Assessing meter accurancy for reduction of non-revenue water
Conference paper (2009) -
H Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Apparent water losses assessment: the case of kampala city, uganda
Conference paper (2009) -
H Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Performance indicators as a tool for water loss management in developing countries
Conference paper (2009) -
H Mutikanga (author)
SK Sharma (author)
K. Vairavamoorthy (author)
Effect of biodegradable organic matter and microbial activity on removal of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol during riverbank filtration
Conference paper (2009) -
Sung Kyu Maeng (author)
S.K. Maeng (author)
B Abel (author)
SK Sharma (author)
GL Amy (author)
GL Amy (author)